Spotify Discovery Mode is a new tool that allows artists to boost the reach of their tracks and make them more discoverable for listeners.

When an artist activates Discovery Mode, Spotify's algorithms will prioritize the selected tracks in algorithmic recommendations, such as Radio and Autoplay. This can help artists reach new listeners and grow their fan base. In this article, you will find information about this service:



Opt-in Process

Discovery Mode on Spotify for Artists

Royalties Deduction



To be eligible for Spotify Discovery Mode, a track must meet the following criteria:

  • Released on Spotify for at least 30 days.
  • It has been streamed on Radio or Autoplay in the last 7 days.
  • Distributed by a participating licensor, such as Omziki.
  • Have an active Spotify for Artists account and meet the minimum monthly listener requirements.

When a track meets these criteria, Spotify automatically adds it to the references eligible for discovery mode, which we will approve as soon as we receive the request.


Opt-in Process

Omziki Distribution has automated the Discovery Mode process for our artists. This means that we will automatically opt-in for all of your eligible tracks (Requested by Spotify).


Discovery Mode on Spotify for Artists

When an artist's catalog meets a series of requirements, they are given the power to manage their own campaigns and status in discovery mode through a tool that is enabled in their Spotify for Artists account:

An artist may be eligible for Discovery Mode if the artist team meets all the following requirements:

  • You have an active Spotify for Artists team that’s registered in Australia, India, Ireland, Jamaica, New Zealand, Nigeria, Norway, the Philippines, Singapore, South Africa, Sweden, Trinidad and Tobago, the United Kingdom, or the United States. Learn how to set your team's billing country

  • You have at least 3 tracks that meet the track eligibility criteria.

  • You have at least 25,000 monthly listeners.


Royalties Deduction

Streams coming from Discovery Mode (Radio or Autoplay) get a cut in royalties of 30% from the usual Premium/ad-supported rate. This means that artists will earn 30% less royalties for streams of their tracks that are played through Discovery Mode. These deductions will be reflected in your confirmed sale reports as a negative (-) balance.

However, if a listener who discovered a track through Discovery Mode later adds it to their library or playlist, the artist will earn the total royalties for those streams.